Are You Compatible?

Opposites attract—later they can frustrate.That is a crucial question! But as important as discerning your compatibility with a potential mate is, can you be completely objective in your evaluation?

Mutual attraction, infatuation, and physical involvement will all influence your objectivity. Therefore, it’s wise to carefully listen to the opinions that trusted family members and godly friends may have about a prospective mate. They are looking at the relationship from a distance and are sometimes better able to see what fits and what doesn’t.

How alike are you when considering the various qualities listed below? Are you compatible, complimentary, or polar opposites?

Soul Mate Compatibilty ScaleIn which areas are you similar? Essentially, because of shared values, the decisions you would each make independently in these areas will not be significantly different.

Which differences are complimentary? Do you balance each other? Are you actually better together than you are apart?

Are you polar opposites in any areas? While it is true that opposites attract, it is also true that over time, extreme differences can produce extreme frustration.

Consider the following external qualities. These are the more obvious traits that you notice about each other. These external factors can make you seem like a well-matched or odd PAIR to others.

External Qualities make you a nice PAIR:

  • Personality
  • Appearance
  • Interests
  • Reputation

>> more explanation of External Qualities

Now consider the following internal qualities. These inner traits are much less obvious initially and are discovered over time through communication and observation. These inner qualities are foundational to the development of long-lasting SPECIAL relationships.

Internal Qualities make your relationship SPECIAL:

  • Spiritual maturity
  • Purpose
  • Expectations
  • Character
  • Intelligence
  • Attachments
  • Life experiences

>> more explanation of Internal Qualities

Move forward in a relationship with wisdom. What your initial feelings and emotions tell you is a dream match today, could change over time. Be realistic in your estimation. And because your objectivity may be compromised, trust the feedback and advice you receive from wise friends and relatives.

God Says . . .

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14, NIV).

“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3, NKJV).

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