Heart Change

Finding New Life in Christ

While secular psychology offers many self-improvement techniques, none produce the transformation God desires. True heart change is only possible through new spiritual birth—becoming a new creation in Christ—which produces lasting change.

Receive Christ

Jesus loves you. He offers you purpose in life, forgiveness for your sin, and eternity with Him in heaven. Beginning a personal relationship with Jesus is the most important decision anyone can make — a decision that has eternal significance. (read more)

How You Can Be Sure You Are a Christian

Millions of followers of Christ still remain unsure about their salvation. If you were to die tonight, are you confident that you would go to heaven? (read more)


Acknowledging Sin

Many “experts” claim that bad behavior is not really the fault of the one who does it. The Bible says all problems (family, finances, career, relationships) can be traced to a single source: life-dominating sin. Heart change involves taking responsibility for one’s own actions, not blaming others.

The Blame Game

If we listen to the “experts” or even to the ordinary folk we live with every day, we hear many different explanations for why people do bad things. What most of these explanations have in common is a tendency to say that the behavior is not really the fault of the one who does it. (read more)


Offering Genuine Repentance

Sincere repentance is a process involving five aspects that blend into a genuine spiritual turnaround. Five prayers illustrate this process: “God, I am wrong.” “I am sorry.” “Forgive me.” “Cleanse me.” “Empower me.”

Turning Around

The New Testament word for “repent” means to turn around—we turn away from sin and toward God. The five prayers are progressively more difficult to say and to mean, but each is a vital part of repentance. (read more)


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