Live Life God’s Way

Living Life God's way leads to God's best. Have you become proficient at living life God’s way? That’s what He wants for you and for your soul mate. In fact, that should be a primary characteristic of the person with whom you share your life.

The question is “Are you living life according to God’s principles?” If you don’t know how to live a “successful” Christian life, how can you recognize these foundational skills in someone else? And, if you aren’t living your life according to God’s principles now, how can you expect God to place you into a relationship that can only succeed if you are doing life His way?

Of Modesty and Men

by Ben Morgan

There is a lot to be said of modesty. It’s a favorite topic of those who produce Bible studies and Christian literature. While I am definitely for living a modest life, to me there is a problem with the way we are presenting this topic. No one talks to men about modesty. (read more)

Are You Living God’s Way?

God changes people from the inside out. It all begins with heart change that leads to personal transformation, which makes it possible to have healthy relationships.

Heart Change

  • Finding New Life in Christ
  • Acknowledging Sin
  • Offering Genuine Repentance

(read more about Heart Change)

Personal Transformation

  • Walking in the Spirit
  • Thinking Biblically
  • Behaving Obediently

(read more about Personal Transformation)

Healthy Relationships

  • Resolving Anger
  • Building Healthy Marriage
  • Raising Godly Children

(read more about Healthy Relationships)

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The Blessing of Missions

by Pat Bernshausen

I will never cease to marvel at the fact that God doesn’t need any of us to do the work that He has ordained. Yet He chooses to use us, or rather, to include us in what He is doing in the lives of others around the world. The temptation as singles might be to say that we’re not ready. Perhaps a mission trip is something that is on the agenda for us after we’ve found a mate, finished college, or after our children are older. Maybe we’re planning to go when we are more secure financially, or when we’ve at least mastered the art of being single and being content in it. Actually, as singles, we are in a season of our lives that often affords us more freedom to follow the call of Christ to go and spread the gospel to all creation. (read more)

Sanctification in the Season of Singleness

by Carolyn McCulley

Sanctification refers to the process of becoming spiritually mature or being set apart for holy use. For single adults, sometimes it feels like we’re just being set aside.

This is an unintentional byproduct of the typical marriage testimony. When couples speak of their first year of marriage, they often remark that they thought they were mature—until they got married. Then their selfishness was revealed. Yes, that’s one way God works, and it can be fairly intense. But it is not the only way. (read more)

Making a “Good” Choice or a “God” Choice?

Deciding who you will marry is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. In a kingdom courtship, the primary reason for marriage should be the conviction that a particular match is God’s choice for you—not just a good choice, but God’s choice.

Most of the time, you won’t have the luxury of choosing between people or circumstances that are totally bad or totally good. Nearly all your choices will appear good in some way, but only one will be part of God’s perfect plan —His best for you. The chief enemy you fight in choosing God’s best will be your own strong inclination to make a good choice instead of a God choice. (read more)

Seeking God’s Will in My Life

by Janice LaQuiere

As a 34-year-old single woman I understand firsthand the struggle an unmarried person goes through trying to discern “God’s will” for her life. For a married person it seems self-evident. The Bible instructs him to be a faithful and loving spouse, and to raise his children in godliness. Much of a man’s life becomes centered on these activities. Providing for the family, as God directs, becomes his priority.

However, for a person who has remained single, this question seems much more ambiguous. We ask, “What is God’s will for my life?” (read more)

Finding “The One” You Are to Marry

by Craig Groeschel

Loving Jesus must be your number one priority in life if you’re going to become the kind of person God wants you to become and be able to give and receive love in your marriage the way you should. So reach out to Jesus with all of your heart, devoting the best of your time and energy to pursuing a closer relationship with Him. Place your relationship with Jesus at the center of your life and revolve everything else around it. (read more)

How Can I Prepare Myself for Marriage?

Preparing oneself for marriage biblically is the same as preparing for any life endeavor. There is a principle that should govern all aspects of our lives as born-again believers: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). This is not a flippant command. It is the centerpiece of our lives as believers. It is choosing to focus upon God and upon His Word with our whole heart so that our soul and our mind are occupied with the things that will please Him. (read more)

Español:  ¿Cómo puedo prepararme para el matrimonio?

Chinese:  我怎样为结婚做准备?

Français:  Comment puis-je me préparer au mariage ?

Hindi:  मैं शादी के लिए कैसे अपने आप को तैयार कर सकते हैं?

Russian:  Как мне подготовится к браку?

Indonesia:  Bagaimana saya dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk pernikahan?

Finding and Living Our Purpose

by Fern Horst

If your hope for attaining something in the future – lots of good friends, a certain socio-economic status, a good marriage, healthy and well-adjusted children, a significant career position, healing from a disease or illness – is completely dashed or is diminished over time, would you still be able to retain a sense of purpose? (read more)

You CAN Be Content

Contentment is being OK with something (or a lot of things) you’re not OK with. It’s being satisfied with what you have. It’s the ability to open up wide and swallow whole the lot life has given you.

Sound appealing? Maybe not. Give it a chance. Too many people I talk to sit out weddings or vacations or solo trips to the movies because they’re discouraged. If you’re in their situation, contentment may mean getting your life back. (read more)

Singleness:  A Peek at God’s Perspective

by Myron Horst

God tells us that those who run into His strong tower are safe (Proverbs 18:10). God’s tower not only provides safety but it elevates us above the problem at hand, and we are able to see it from His perspective. Part of God’s strong tower is the Bible. As we read, study and meditate upon it we begin to see life’s situations from God’s perspective. It is interesting to look at marriage and singleness from God’s high tower; it gives us a bigger and clearer picture. (read more)

When Waiting Isn’t Easy

by Elisha Galotti

In our restlessness, our hurry to begin the next season, we sometimes fail to see what He’s doing right now. Do our hearts only acknowledge His faithfulness at harvest time? It’s easy to give thanks when provision is visible. It’s natural to sing of His faithfulness when prayer has been answered with a harvest that is abundant, that we can see and touch.

But it’s in the seasons of quiet waiting that He so often deepens and ripens our faith. In the waiting He reminds us that His Son is enough, that He Himself is our provision, that His faithfulness has been forever demonstrated. (read more)